Friday 7 March 2014

Task 1d - 2d Images

Hi again,

It's Friday! Horray!! I'm at home, fire blazing, glass of wine and a chocolate eclair! What could be better!

Anyway... lets get back to the matter in hand. 2d images. I always believe in the phrase 'A picture is worth a thousand words' as I have so many picture frames of collages of pictures that remind me of good, fun times with friends. They also could remind me of special times with family members, and they also help in regards to advertising - in regards to performers headshots, which in my case need updating all the time as I have a fascination in changing my hairstyle/colour all the time!

I do think it is a shame in this day and age that we have to be careful who we record/take pictures of, especially in regards to dance teachers. I would love to show you some of my dancers work, but now you have to have so many rules and procedures it is a shame. I used to participate in dance competitions, and my parents would have loved to record me to show family/friends, but unfortunately we had to have a fully qualified professional photographer in the theatre, and recording was strictly not allowed. But these rules are set in place for a reason, and they must stay.

So I have instagram, which probably everyone in the world has at the moment until something else slightly better comes out :). With Instagram you can edit pictures to your hearts content and post them on Facebook, Twitter or another social networking site. At the moment the majority of my Instagram is of cakes that I have made (another pastime I have) but I do have some pictures of the 2012 Olympics which I was so fortunate to participate in :) so I will post some of these up on here now for you to all have a look and comment if you wish. My instagram name - SJONES2810 :)

Steph xxx

1 comment:

  1. Yes like the show shot - would work well to show others your work and personality.
