Thursday 27 February 2014

Leap of Faith

Hello again,

I'm sat at home on a weekday... and I'm not working! This is like finding a chocolate bar in the back of a cupboard, a rare treat!

So yesterday was my last day at my day job, I have taken the huge leap of faith to become fully self employed and just do my teaching which is feeling weird as I have been somewhat employed since I was at college. But at the same time, I am so excited!

I finally have time to do the things I wanted to do but couldn't due to work commitments, and this feels great! I have more time to blog (which is excellent for all you guys) and more time to see if I can get more teaching work in the mornings so my days are completely filled with me doing something that I have wanted to do for so long and I love doing!

But there is a niggling feeling in the back of my head. My family and friends all know that I am a bit of a worrier, and this is starting to show. Millions of questions and doubts are whizzing round my head 'I won't get holiday pay or sick pay now' 'What happens if I lose my job?" and many more are starting to question my doubts if leaving the stability of having a monthly guaranteed income was the right thing to do?

But then I was teaching last night at one of my schools, and the children has come on so much in confidence and technique since I started there in September that it squashes these doubts back to the back of my mind. And I know I have done the right thing! They make me realise that I have done the right thing :)

Does anyone else know what I mean? Or I am just a tad crazy :)

Steph xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steph!
    No I don't think you're crazy at all, not even a tad! We are all going to have these niggling feelings and thoughts at one point or another, especially as we may have financial responsibilities such as rent, or my college loan repayment for example! But I think that playing safe is not a way to go through life. It is clear from reading your blog about how passionate you are about your teaching, and you must be successful at it for you to be able to fill up your week with enough lessons to let you leave your day job. Have faith in yourself and your abilities and enjoy being able to say to people that you LOVE your job. How many people can truly say that?
    I recently left a job as a performer in shows at a theme park very close to me in Staffordshire. It would have been easy for me to stay where I was, in a comfortable position with ok pay and close to home but I'd lost the passion for it, and knew I did'nt want to spend forever there so I got out. There is a saying that I like "everything will be alright in the end and if it's not alright then it's not the end!"
    Pip :)
