Monday 3 February 2014


Hello Everyone,

This is the beginning of my Blog which I hope that you enjoy reading my posts over the next 15 months. 
Welcome to all the 'Newbies' who are just starting the course today like me, and hello to everyone else who is already doing the course.

So unfortunately I didn't go to the induction day, which I am quite disappointed about, since I have read some other blogs (bit of research :-)) and they described it as a really beneficial and enjoyable day. However, I did find my conversation with Paula reassuring so I think I will be fine and I'm sure I will find some people who will be in the same boat as me if I ever get stuck!

So what do I expect from the course? In all honestly I haven't got a scooby doo! I have read the module and other things, but I'm excited and curious in how I am going to decipher all the information into my own words, feelings, observations etc.

I'm pleased I took the decision to do this course, thanks to a few friends giving me some gentle persuasion(!) and encouragement that I will succeed, I hope to do them, myself and everyone proud of the achievement that I hope to have at the end of this course :)

Steph x

1 comment:

  1. Steph, great to see your blog up! your sound both busy and enthusiastic, so you will have plenty of experiences to use on the course. Scooby doo? Haha- that is a first for the time I have been on the course! a mystery - in this case - a solvable mystery because they always figured it out on the original cartoon! or is it live theatre now ?
