Tuesday 4 February 2014

Feeling Nostalgic

Hello again,

I can't believe I'm already writing again! I thought it would be a lot harder, but I felt I had to share this :)

So as I'm sure everyone is aware, Facebook is 10 years old today. It is my most used social networking site (Twitter is a very close 2nd) and I can't go a day without checking to see what has happened or if I have any notifications! I'm an addict!

So for their 10th birthday, the workers at Facebook have done a 'Facebook Movie' for everyone showcasing all their favourite posts, when they started using Facebook, most liked things etc.
And I love mine, it brings back some really good memories that must have been lodged in the back of my mind as I wouldn't have remembered them otherwise. Everyone is sharing them, and its nice to watch everyones - I got a warm fuzzy feeling inside which was lovely!

I feel better now I've shared this - I think it's always good to share things with other people - except chocolate :)

Steph x


  1. Hi Steph,
    Great to see you took the plunge and became a Bapper. There are quite a few of the Birdies on here now. It's hard work, but you will learn such a lot. I am just about to start the 3rd module and can honestly say that I have learnt such a lot. Please feel free to message me if I can ever help. Betty xx

  2. Hello Betty, hope you are well :)

    Yes indeed - Ashleigh persuaded me to join, and it was the best advice I've ever taken.

    Thankyou so much for offering your help :) hopefully we can have a reunion soon as it is well needed.

    Steph xx

  3. Yes FB and social media has changed the way we do things in a very short amount of time - lots of considerations - lots of very good professional blogs out there as well as learning blogs like ours - worth googling to investigate - look on my blog for some hints about how to research topics - you can choose your own - we did love...http://paulanottingham.blogspot.co.uk - leave a comment
    Also vist Betty and Steph's blogs to comment
